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Notchcount and fidelity stats

Notchcount and fidelity stats

Quote: (03-22-2012 11:41 AM)basilransom Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2012 10:41 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

I didn't look into the source, as I was posting quickly. A survey of HUS readers is close to worthless, if you want to make generalizations about the population at large. Who knows what kind of mindfucked delusional ex-sluts read and lame men read HUS.

Samseau's point about more experienced men being better at discovering cheating is a good one.

Here's a much better source:

The Social Pathlogist I, II, III, The Virgin Bride


a link between promiscuity and infidelity was statistically established. The mean number of lifetime partners was 4.67. The unfaithful had a mean of 7.73 whilst the faithful had a mean of 3.78. (p<0.001) all have their faults. But with regard to promiscuity, all studies show an increase in the risk of divorce and infidelity correlated with cumulative partner count. People may legitimately argue about the degree of the effect but no study shows a protective or indifferent effect.

Quote: (03-22-2012 10:56 AM)soup Wrote:  

I've had to learn to not take rejection personally. I chalk it up to bad game. And, we know that bad game can be improved upon.

So, when a girl "cheats" on you, she's really just rejecting your bad game. If you want to argue that even with the best game, a woman will stray, then you have to accept that as part of the game and not give yourself oneitis.

Martyring yourself for the failures of others is no way to go through life. You don't give the girl any responsibility for her actions. She fell and tripped onto a guy's dick? Whoops, your fault.

Attributing failure to your game and her character is a balancing act. I wrote a post on it here.

If a girl cheated on me, I would probably try and identify factors which contributed to her cheating. But at the end of the day, she'd still be a worthless whore to me, while I'd be 100% blameless.

Internal would say that cheating is a giant shit test, whereas external would say it's out of your control. Either way, you can't take it personally.

Come on, do you really expect girls to actually be able to carry any kind of responsibility in these matters- most of them are mechanically-caving-to-their-emotions, attention-whores.

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