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Martial arts/Brazilian jiu jitsu for guys with no anger issues?

Martial arts/Brazilian jiu jitsu for guys with no anger issues?

Reporting again here...

Two months ago I hurt my lower back. I don't have a great back (dad had surgery at 48, brothers and sister all have low back issues), but in this case, I was rolling no-gi and I held on guard for too long (we were drilling) and I got hyper-flexed. A couple weeks later I noticed a slight pain in my left heel which freaked me out.

So for 2 months I took some physical therapy, then continued doing the roll-outs and stretches they taught me. It helped not doing BJJ because I was able to focus on my back.

Anyway, after 2 months I went back in the gym last Friday. Felt great. Not only was I an addict coming back for a delicious fix of fighting, but I quickly realized if I simply don't get stacked (holding on to guard or triangle or whatever) I greatly reduce my chance of back injury or soreness. Add on the fact that I know now how to release those tight muscles with PT, and I feel awesome.

Weird thing though. My top game is noticeably better than when I left. Leading up to my injury, I was going to the gym a lot consistently for months. It's like the 2 months allowed my brain to consolidate all that information from all the drilling, training, and time on the mat.

I'm addicted again. I've rolled the last 4 days, might go in today. After 2 months, it is surprising how much of a full-body workout it is.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

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