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Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

^ Even doing all that won't guarantee shit. Cancer rates are now practically 1-4 with America leading the charge globally. Cancer rates have been shooting up 1000 percentile - it has become an clear epidemic. Conventional shills and The FDA make you believe that western living and diet 'cause' cancer but this isn't the case. These factors do not 'cause' cancer they simply pin-point where cancer will occur. Some simple facts:

Cancer is nonexistent in natural settings. Wild animals do not get cancer if they are kept to there natural settings

Many cultures and tribes have nonexistent to extremely low instances of cancer due to them keeping with there traditional diets

Cancer rates in the west have exponentially risen against the decrease in specific nutrients which were heavy in our diets

This key nutrient is vitamin B-17 which is prevalent in evrey cultures staple diet in some form. In old America nobody ate wheat, it was a useless crop with little nutritional value. Millet was the staple grain in America for centuries and it is high in B-17.

The meat we ate also used to have resins of B-17 as cows naturally fed on grasses rich with this nutrient. Now that cows are fed crap like wheat, soy and corn our beef is void of B-17 also.

The Cancer "Industry" is a mega-billion dollar racket. There is no money to be made of cures. Research and drugs is where the money is. We will be on the hamster wheel until the end of modern western time.

There is a proven thesis that was discovered of this in the 50's called the 'thermoblast (sp?) Thesis'. Where he proved that we all have cancer cells present from birth but stockpiles of B-17 from our mothers and from nutrition kill them all off since B-17 is toxic to cancer cells and only cancer cells (the highest concentration of B-17 is found in a mothers imbecile cord! Imagine the opportunities via Stem Cells!!).

His thesis was labled "quackery" by the FDA for political reasons (not on any basis of science, they couldn't disprove his work!) But once its gets labeled as such a doctor can loose his licence or be arrested for using his treatments.

Cancer is the biggest scam in modern western history. Corporations clean up cash while the Govt kills off any people it can't turn into docile homosexuals. Current rates are 1-5 I am Gay or 1-4 I get cancer.. Shoot me now. Lol.

One thing that I just learned but need to investigate further is that the Govt fucked up with the Polio vaccines. They rushed them and it had nasty mutations in the mix which basically gave tens of millions of Americans pre-cursor Cancer cells. If this was intentional I do not know but the Govt knew of the fuck up and kept it quiet.

Steve Jobs did experiment with unorthodox treatments but he was to far gone. Then I believe he reverted back to traditional at the end. What people don't realize is that Steve Jobs lived preety much 10yrs plus then he was supposed to. Many people point and say "LOOK ALT MEDACINE DOES NOT WORK" but people don't get it. I believe Steve had Pancreatic Cancer which has like a 5% survival rate and kills you off almost immediately. Steve was able to prolong his life and still work in a high stress environment for most of it... I don't call that a failure at all.

Traditional medicine is a complete joke. I have family in medicine I show them the mans work and his research they immediately get defensive and worried since its not what they learned (all we're women by the way lol) I tell them modern treatments are flawed and make no sense (2-3% rate of survival... Destroying a body down when its under attack?... Would you go to war then take away your brigades guns? And ammo?). Especially when there is no incentive for a cure, how can one expect to find it?

In regards to the video I have heard about vitamin therapy. It does make SOME sense as you are building the body up while it is under attack but it does not hit the cancel cells itself it just gives your body the strength to fight it of on its own. This seems more practically and logical then traditional treatments.


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