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Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

I went out with a DC native last Thursday and I gotta say, although this chick will get the dick and she's slutty and all that which I like, her head is in outer space. This girl in Europe would be 6, but somehow in DC she thinks her status is elevated to above the clouds. She goes on and on during the date about how many guys she's talking to and how they wanna fuck her. Then she tells me she needs to get over this work relationship guy because he's married and it's dangerous for her career and not good in general and whatever. So I propose that I give her some dick to make her forget about him, and this bitch told me that'd be nice but she's already fielding some other dick and that maybe next week she'll come over for a go. This girl is a fucking 6!! I'm almost like "bitch I've got chicks spending their own money to fly out to see me that look twice as good as you, and younger." The whole time she was just talking about these chodes she's stringing along, hoping to get a piece of this 6, this chubby fucking 6. But can you really blame them? What are the other options if you can't leave DMV? And she was bitch to the waitress which is not cool. I mean, fella's it's the fucking audacity of the chicks here. It's almost like a "where the fuck else are you gonna go? you better take my offer and appreciate it" kinda thing. I'm so glad I'm getting the fuck outta here. Right now I can't see the forest from the trees and it seems like the hot thin young girl I'd get in Europe is impossible to get here. Only stuck up chubsters.

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