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Heavy Metal

Heavy Metal

Quote: (05-17-2015 03:05 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

I like Animals as Leaders, but I think that the project sometimes tries for too much and falls a little flat. Tosin is quite the guitarist, though. He will probably be one of the greatest guitarists out there if he manages to avoid the usual pitfalls that kill virtuosos: shitty management, lazy record labels, debt, drugs, alcohol or divorce rape.

I have a friend who is close with some people in that circle, so I often hear a lot of the metal gossip. Ha. Not much dirt on Tosin that strikes me particularly believable. Apparently, he has a big ego, but I don't see that as much of a character fault. I'm not paying him to be nice to me. I just want him to shred like an animal.

I can confirm Tosin is a dueche. Met him at the NAMM show around 2011 or 2012. This was before their second album came out.

I was walking and saw him and Javier the (bassist?) other guy in the band and said "Hey animals! big fan!" Tosin wouldn't even turn around to see who I was. Javier did turn around and shake my hand and apologized for Tosin being a fag.

I stopped listening around that time because

-The second album sucked
-Tosin is an unlikeable cunt

Honestly even their first album, despite having some good tunes, found me skipping large passages of their songs to get to the parts I liked. Soraya was a good song, so was On Impulse. But i got over that wankery style prog shit long ago.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

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