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Psilocybin and Psychedelics as performance enhancers?

Psilocybin and Psychedelics as performance enhancers?

Quote: (05-25-2018 06:47 PM)the Thing Wrote:  

Until then, try to get an Adderall script. Or a benzodiazepine (Valium if you need something mild and longer acting, or Xanax if you go full panic) for social anxiety. Also Phenibut is OTC and works okay for loosening up. But use sparingly because it acts similar to benzos so once you get hooked, withdrawals are hell.

Terrible advice. These drugs only help while they are in effect, Adderall has a crash and benzos have rebound anxiety. Brief Band-Aids that make the problem worse long term.

If you are doing Adderall might as well do coke, only a bit worse for you and more fun.

If you are doing benzos may as well pop a Roxi or a Vicodin. Benzo withdrawal can kill you through seizures. I've never been hooked on benzos, but any regular use will turn you from anxious to a nervous wreck (speaking from experience.)

Phenibut is also a gaba agonist, similar withdrawal to benzos.

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