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Ukrainian Girl - Advice Needed

Ukrainian Girl - Advice Needed

First off I want to make it clear that I'm pathetic for bumping this thread, but I'm literally at a loss and need some tough love.

It's been 3-4 months of no contact with this girl. In that time I have travelled, hung out with friends, and banged 5 other women. I'm now dating a cute 26 year old Polish girl who is sweet and pleasant, with long-term potential.

But I'm still a fucking wreck about the girl I started this thread about. I simply cannot get over it, and I'm sick of thinking about her 24 hours a fucking day. As mentioned in the No Contact thread, I thought I had her blocked on all social media - well, I didn't, and yesterday she had liked a picture of me on Instagram - a picture of me with a current plate. This set off a chain of torment and a sleepless night. It was either manipulation on her part, or a friendly gesture, but it killed me.

I cannot work out why I've feel so strongly about this girl, but all I can think of is when I first met her, before things went down the fucking toilet, how happy I was. There was something different; chemistry, pheromones, who the fuck knows.

Our last conversation where she broke up with me for not fighting for her hard enough rattles around in my head. I alternate between thinking she was correct, but then realising there were way too many red flags and my gut was right.

She has a new boyfriend now, of course.

I'm a total pussy. I can't even dress this up any other way. I've never had a chick affect me in this manner before, and it has fucked me up royally.

How in God's name do you get through this?

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