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Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I might be pushing the buck with this claim, but here goes, I'll let you all dissect it.

I dont think tobacco is addictive.

Now yes, are cigarettes addictive? Oh yeah, no doubt. But is tobacco? I dont know.

I started smoking a few months ago, as I said earlier. The only thing I've ever smoked EVER, are American Spirits. AS cigs claim to faim is that they're 100% tobacco, no chemicals, no filler, just something that grows in the ground.

I've gone through a pack in a week before, and then gone almost 2 weeks without a single smoke and no craving, urge, or any other addicted feelings what so ever.

Now I bring this up because as a kid when we were being inundated with "smoking is bad for you" campaigns, one of the big sticking points was always all this "other shit" thats in the major brands. Rat poison, tar, ect. All these chemical additives that were put in that killed you quicker.

I always remember asking, if that stuff is so bad, and clearly so easily pointed out as a reason NOT to buy the product, why do they put it in there?

My question is, what if all that "extra shit" is in there to get you jonesing?

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