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Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-14-2012 10:22 AM)alphaspiraton Wrote:  

I feel like I have to chime in here. On Friday night I went out suited down (overall approaches were more positively welcomed) and I also decided to get a zippo and cigarettes.

Worst decision ever to bring the smokes. It's true that your standards get lowered when you decide to smoke for the PURPOSE of picking up chicks, and that it is weak game.

So you tried it once and it didn't work for you, so now it doesn't work for anyone.

Makes sense.

I tried drinking once and it didn't work for me.

Drinking doesn't work for anyone in the world.

Make sense?

What city were you in?
Which bar?
What kind of bar?
What happened?
How was the scene in the bar?
What happens for you on a normal night?
Why was is the "worst decision"?
Did you end up in a car crash? Now your paralyzed?
What kind of Suit were you wearing?
Why was your Game so weak?
Is it normally strong and you pick up models?
But then you had a smoke and picked up a guy?

Break it down.

Maybe it's not for you?


Sure, GMan, maybe 1-2 top athletes

Either you can't count or you didn't read this:

The Greatest Athletes in the World Share one thing in common: Smoking

Or read the thread. I named close to 50, and could name 50 more.

I noticed you haven't busted out one Data Sheet on here of value.

How about bringing something to the table besides criticism on something you tried once?

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