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Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 07:19 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

And no, its not a conspiracy against cigs. That doesn't make any sense. Cigarette companies are owned by the elite, the fact that it took so many years for smoking's harm to be accepted shows how strong the cigarette and tobacco lobbies were.

This is exactly what they want you to believe. And you just proved my point. (Thank you by the way).

And frankly, it is amazing to me that more people don't understand this issue.

The government is wrong on every issue, yet this is the one issue they are correct on? You really believe that?

My heart goes out to you.

Big Pharma has been a much stronger lobby since the Tobacco cases.

This is a battle over the delivery of Nicotine.

Big Pharma is winning. (And just to put two and two together for you, Big Pharma peddles smoking cessation drugs and patches, which are way more dangerous than cigarettes).

All these "grassroots" anti-smoking organizations are funded by Big Pharma.

All the anti-smoking legislation is funded by Big Pharma.

And if you don't think "Scientists" are influenced by Big Pharma, I have an tropical island to sell you in Toronto.

Don't accept what they are jamming down your throats.

Dig deeper and as always, follow the money.

That is always where the truth lies.

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