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Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I've gamed as both a non-smoker and now recently a smoker and I can say without a doubt smoking helps.

Now I agree, starting to smoke just to get girls is a shit idea. I started smoking in hopes it would relieve some of the stress from my crazy ass job, and guess what it did. Now I smoke two cigarettes a day during the week (never more) and then maybe 4-5 a night socially when I'm drinking.

What I noticed about being a smoker is:

A) Its a pass into "the club"
-Being a smoker immediately gets you social points with other smokers. People of all different walks of life will conversate while burning one down. Before as a non-smoker I'd be one of the few, if not the only, non-smoker in a group. Everyone else would book it out to smoke I'd either be left there by myself, which proves to kill your mood a bit (at least for me) or I'd have to go stand outside with them, which makes you look like a dweeb.

B) Its something to do
-If your out alone this is especially pertinent. There are those times when the venue just shifts. Maybe the DJ plays a shitty song, the group of hot chicks bounced to a new joint, or maybe everyones outside "in the club" (see A). Either way the vibe just goes a askew and you're left just standing their feeling it. Rather then stand there like a dork, or worse start playing with your phone you can go smoke and get a little socialization in and come back strong.

C) Its something to do OTHER then drink
-After getting pulled over coming home from the bar one night I made a vow to never be in that situation again and put myself on a strict limit. My problem is I'm a bored drinker. If I end up in the situation posed in B where the vibe of the place goes all funky, I'd kill the malaise by going to the bar and ordering a drink. Now I can go outside and smoke

D) It can be used a situational manipulator
-I personally dont like walking across a place just to talk to a girl. I know cold approaching is a big thing, but I Just dont like the feel of it. To me walking across the bar just to talk to this one girl puts her in a position of power because you're going out of YOUR way to talk to her. I prefer to manipulate the situation so that our paths cross. I can talk a different route so that I cross paths with a girl I want to talk to, throw down some game, and even if she blows me out of the water I can laugh, say "whatever" and just keep on my way outside.

E) Obvious appearance buff
-Ned Flanders doesn't smoke cigarettes. Nuff said.

F) Easy way to isolate
-If you're chatting up a girl you just met, especially if she's with her friends (and she is) if you dont smoke and just say "lets go outside" its about as rapey as a windowless panel van. If you smoke though, its an instant ticket to isolate her outside. "He I'm gonna go smoke, why dont you come with me."

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