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Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Quote: (05-02-2018 08:09 PM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

Go to night markets at Vic market if they are still on.
Alot of overseas chicks at Vic markets.

If you don't have logistics forget it.

No use living in Dandy trying to pick up in the city.

If you have an Apartment in the city you are laughing.

Most dudes talk about their game but without logistics you are fucked.I listen to master PUA and dudes my age that fuck young strippers or get young birds.

Fuckers are so blind they can't see that living on Collins is a major part of their game.

Also you'll score country girls like this it will be the anchor of your game.

Women are women they crave security and ease.

Meet a lone backpacker, interstater in the city you can invite here straight over for a drink, coffee, rest etc.

When I lived in Sydney in my 20s this is what I did without thinking about it.

Look at all those Pommy Euro daygame jaunters.They get apartments in the middle of EE major city and pick up EE chicks from the burbs.

I've been away from Melb for 2 months.In the city I noticed white chicks with hacked off short hair t,attooed legs or baggy jeans.

The Asian girls had long leather boots on with short skirts looking feminine as fuck.The Melbourne male brain would say like whores cause the Melbourne male isn't use to feminity.

The Asian birds are in competition mode and that's a good thing for men.

I'm not into Asians and vice versa but damn they impressed me yesterday.

Haven't been to the Queen Vic Night Markets myself yet but my father went there a few months ago and was raving about how many hot women there were. Unfortunately i think it only operates during the summer months...?

Good call re the Asian girls - i've just come back from Thailand and have a massive dose of Yellow Fever. Was in the city today and the only girls of interest to me were the Asians. Love the way they dress, do their hair etc etc. Put most Western Girls to shame..

Ms Collins, Long Room, Asian Beer Cafe and Spice Market (Thursdays) are all good places for finding Asian women.

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