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Blog chronicles wall victims desperate attempt at pregnancy

Blog chronicles wall victims desperate attempt at pregnancy


There are a few things that do improve female behavior, though: Laws and social shaming.

Unfortunately, once we gave women the right to vote, politicians bent over backwards to pass laws that had benefits for them and only them. These include welfare payments to single mothers without a man in the house as well as the various alimony laws.

Laws beget behavior which begets what people will and will not accept. Once something is not against the law, all of a sudden the unwashed masses start to favor it (gay marriage, pot, etc.).

So, the women-oriented laws led us to place where social shaming for women is verboten. Since people instinctively feel the need to shame someone (it's in our blood), that means men are shamed.

This, then, is why self-improvement can only get you so far. As I have written many times, every man is Beta when he's facing off against The State. The law becomes the Alpha since they have the keys to the cell where you'll be staying.

You can be in perfect shape and earning tons of money with a paid-off mortgage. But if your wife leaves and The State says you have to fork over the house, assets, and salary, you're not Alpha anymore.

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