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Best countries to visit as a white guy?

Best countries to visit as a white guy?

Quote: (04-29-2018 12:23 AM)Lighter Wrote:  

Quote: (04-28-2018 11:31 PM)EndsExpect Wrote:  

Yes, I do disagree. If you are a top 20% guy in terms of looks, fame, and wealth you will get laid anywhere. However, we are not talking about some Nordic God looking guy. Your average white 5 or 6 male will fail in many places around the world.

There is a reason why your average white guy does well in Manilla, but not in Minneapolis. Whereas an average black guy will do very well in Minnesota, but not as well in Miami.

The bottom line here is that this thread should continue and the haters should shut up, because not every part of the world is the same.

Most guys vastly overestimate how much girls care about looks and vastly underestimate how much they care about game, charisma, attitude, or whatever you want to call it. It's male projection of what we find attractive onto women.

I see plenty of top 20% good looking guys on the backpacker circuit in SEA that can't get laid. I admit that they might get some initial interest from a girl, but that goes down the toilet once they open their mouth.

I'd argue that most guys that say "I'm ugly/short/not the right ethnicity/bald, so I can't get a hot woman." just don't have good game. Unless you're deformed or something like that, then you can get a pass.

It depends a lot on your attitude. In most countries outside the Anglo-sphere the arrogant entitled attitude doesn't fly. Additionally, guys who have it easy are more likely to be lazy and not learn proper game.
Looks are important though, especially if you are aim for top quality. You can be lucky and end up with a girl outside your league but it's much easier to learn game and be attractive [Image: smile.gif] It can save you a lot of time, pain and effort.

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