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Man Sends $40 invoice After Being Ghosted

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-18-2018 09:38 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Sending a woman an invoice when she ghosts is weird. She'll just throw it in the trash and you'll look like a weirdo.

Sending her an IRS form 1099-misc for the 40$ of income she "earned" by stiffing you, on the other hand, and then filing a copy with the IRS, so that she either reports it and pays the taxes or faces penalties and an audit...
That would probably still be beta, but at least it would be entertaining.

Someone pulled that little stunt with a guy I know over a business dispute, and it's making a giant mess of his taxes this year. You can sue in civil court to recover damages, which is what he's doing, but damages on 40$ are likely to be negligible and it's probably legitimate anyway since it was received income. (No idea, not a tax lawyer.)

I wouldn't bother, because it's still beta, but if you want to get even with somebody who costs you money that's how you do it, not this petty "made for viral content" shit.

Also, what are yalls thoughts on sending the girl a Venmo request for half if she doesn't want another date?

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