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Man Sends $40 invoice After Being Ghosted

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted


For everyone thinking that I am advocating his behavior of sending an invoice mail...
No. I am not. However, I do think that it's better than accepting the frame and moving on.
People say, "Be the bigger man.", "Grow up.", "Move on." and all these circle-jerk shit.

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? You have a business and someone steals your inventory. Do you just say, "I am going to be bigger man." and keep moving on? Someone cuts in front of you in a line. Someone steals money from you.

What the fuck?

Nothing was stolen. If you're equating a lame ass dinner date that went nowhere to theft, you're a moron.


Yeah, keep on being a bigger man and be taken advantage of.

Nobody made this chump reach for his wallet, he did it on his own.


Well, if everybody did that shit and just didn't react negatively, girls will just assume that it's okay and keep on doing it. Right?
Same in a relationship, you have to call the BS out, they ain't going to fix themselves. They are like little kids.

You have no influence over anyone else's behavior. Nobody gives a fuck and you're not going to 'correct' shitty behavior in women or men so just do yourself a favor and fucking forget about it already.


I am saying that sending invoice is better than just taking the L and moving on. Ignoring and moving on? That's more OMEGA to me. Avoiding conflicts.

Yeah, bro...making a mountain out of a molehill is totally alpha! Moving on with your life and shrugging off rejection (and that's what this is... a rejection) is for losers!

Tell me you're trolling, please.


Again, not saying what this guy did is 100% right. However, I am super happy to see this shit displayed in mainstream to change the gender dynamics.

This is why I called you bluepill earlier in the thread. If you honestly think anyone gives a fuck about what you're saying here, you're beyond stupid.

The points you're making sound very "mens rights activist" to me. There's a reason MRA's are impotent losers...nobody is going to GIVE men a fair shake in life. We have to take it.

Stop with this infantile fantasy of the average person 'waking up' and 'realizing gender dynamics are broken' and that we 'need to correct female behavior' because you're wasting your energy, and look incredibly foolish and bitter doing it.

Nobody cares, and the sooner you learn this the better you'll sleep at night.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

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