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10 day water-only fast completed
0 day water-only fast completed
In the last 12 months I have done two - 10 day water fasts and one 9 day water fast. ( was planning to do 10 but work called). In my last 9 day fast, I ate for a week and then went to my doctor to do my annual check up. I had a blood test done. I got the results and the doctor was surprised how perfect my blood test came out. Lowest cholesterol, good blood sugar, thyroid problems disappeared, psa fine, B12 fine etc.

So water fasting is a secret way to get good internal health in a short period. Of course after you must maintain a healthy diet and exercise program or else the benefits of the fast disappear soon.

10 day water fasting is not easy but it is not difficult either. One needs to gradually build up to it. Start with one day water fasts. I have been doing a one day dry fast once a week -- on Mondays usually for almost 10 years now.

The first three days of the fast are the most difficult. After that though they become more easy and detoxification usually begins after the third or forth day.

If you want to achieve good internal health in a short period, this maybe something to consider.

If you have a medical condition, you need to consult with your doctor first. But long fasting tends to often cure many medical ailments.

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