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Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Quote: (04-02-2018 10:37 AM)roberto Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2018 09:52 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2018 09:24 AM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2018 08:50 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

The key, not shown in any of those pictures, is to have her legs inside your own. This allows plenty of testicular freedom and comfort.

That sort of position makes the pussy much tighter, and makes penetration, in-and-out, thrusting, and her "riding" you even more difficult if you have big girth (thick circumference).

That position is for "thinner" dudes only.

And even if you manage...the man is still lying flat on his back with the girl facing the other way, and almost all of the issues I pointed out still apply.

Perhaps deliriums induced by no fap have banished fonder memories, but there are plenty of minuscule young starlets capable of taking heroic wangs, with great force and velocity, in just about every position conceivable. Reverse cowgirl, legs together or akimbo, is just one of the more mundane of these positions.

The 'issues' you pointed out are all non-issues. The idea that fucking luscious pussy is in any way, or indeed in any position, a 'beta' act, is just silly.

I read this wrong bud, thought for a moment you were on the NoFap train!

Come on in brother, you will be saved [Image: lol.gif]

When I think of that train, I have a vivid picture of a steam train, puffing smoke, careening through a mountain pass, the hillsides outside lush with vibrant green grass, spring water streams, and herds of buxom young girls cavorting through the buttercups in short skirts and pushup bras.

Inside the densely packed carriages I imagine stained furniture from the earnest but abortive attempts to stay the course between sex stations spaced further apart than most on the train would like. The whole place smells like a teenager's bedroom on a hot summer day - the windows on the train don't open lest temptation creep in, and the aircon is broken because some desperate soul, driven half mad by forces beyond his control, pulled the control panel off the wall as he was caught frottaging up against it and dragged away by grim faced and austerely dressed veterans who have taken it upon themselves to police the journey. Everywhere one looks, one is met by the rapacious, semi-glazed glare of a man in the throws of sexual agony. Heronimaous Bosch is the only artist I can think of who would do justice to the grim hell of the No Fap Train.

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