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So There's A Pick-Up Artist Videogame Called "Super Seducer"...

So There's A Pick-Up Artist Videogame Called "Super Seducer"...

Quote: (03-30-2018 03:52 PM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

Quote: (03-30-2018 03:10 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Good idea.

Bad execution.
Bad teacher.

There are a few other experts who can do an x-times better job at this.

That guy goes through the script and you see the way he does it.

His successful model chosen is weak - total newbies would learn something from it, but then when they pick up a book by a better guy, then they need to re-learn again.

Might I ask why is it a bad execution/teacher and weak model- I don't know about him/his model and really only know the LDM and the Roosh model.

Roosh indirect Daygame.
Nick Krauser direct Daygame
Street Attraction company basing off Krauser's work offering courses.

It's not that a guy like that does not get laid, but it could have been done better and I certainly would not pay coaching by this guy. I would however with the other ones.

It's not a bad result. Game has a turnover of some 150.000$. Though the results are not that great since he has been on TV and has plenty of inadvertent promotion by the feminists.

My bet is that a better done version could net millions easily enough.

It would be worth the risk to invest in a graphics oriented version where you are in the view of the Player, get direct explanations, see sex scenes as well to spice things up, brutal rejections at times - maybe even add it into a complete story of some sort.

That way you learn Game and seduction while having a nice gaming experience.

You could do multiple games and probably make tens of millions from such a game as it could easily be translated into many languages.

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