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Dublin, Ireland 2015 Datasheet

Dublin, Ireland 2015 Datasheet

I was unsure if St Patricks Day was going to be one of these overrated 'must do' world events such as Oktoberfest, Carnivals and so on but I had a great time. My girl even got really into it by getting some stuff such as green clover hair band and the like along with some green stockings for a surprise when we got back to the accommodation. Somehow bought them behind my back in Carrolls.

The cold and light snow seemed a surprise for most visitors from warmer climes but it didn't really bother me. We started in O'Connell Street in the morning when the crowd was building up then went over to Temple Bar for the atmosphere around opening time (12) and it was pretty much an 18-25 crowd. Almost like a during the day version of a bar strip in the Med. I was surprised at the ratios. More girls than guys in my opinion and the quality was good. I assume most were foreign tourists as Temple Bar but a lot of blondes. For whatever reasons I think St Patricks is attractive to groups of young girls more than guys. I guess they think they can act like sluts without many people suspecting them back home as many don't think of it being like a Magaluf holiday or Spring Break while it has it's similarities. It's a shame that many young people choose to miss the parade just to go into a pub at 12 that is charging double the price of everywhere else. The atmosphere was great when but when we went back at for a walk at night back to accommodation it was starting to get rowdy as like you said the Garda think nothing of pouring drink down the drain and were wasted after drinking too much too early. Then went up past the city hall and went in the Jurys Inn Christchurch to have a pint while waiting for the parade to start/watching the Scotland game. Went out for the parade and it exceeded my expectations. The cheerleaders in particular from the University of Illinois were a highlight and we could get to the front no bother near St Patricks Cathedral. Noticed most other cheerleaders/bands were from Texas and California and you could tell they had never experienced cold like this. It seemed like more locals were watching on here than the tourists at O'Connell Street. Spent the rest of the day/night at Wexford/Camden street with 5-6 euro pints. Pretty much all locals here and a huge party after the Irish rugby result. I've come back a huge fan of Guinness.

I remember thinking that if I wasn't with my girl I would have loved doing street and outside the bar/smoking area game on St Patricks. It would have been a piece of cake in Temple Bar for picking up tourists. You can tell the tourist dudes there are kind of thirsty but have no idea how to approach and get too drunk. I would recommend for St Patricks Day for street game. Could easily have a different girl for lunch, dinner and then to take home at the end of the night if the logistics are right.

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