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Where can you find highest male competition?

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (03-20-2018 06:42 AM)TigerTim Wrote:  

Quote: (03-19-2018 09:42 PM)Mr. Bigglesworth Wrote:  

Quote: (03-19-2018 06:22 PM)Krimson Killa Wrote:  

SoCal hands down. Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and San Diego are full of surfer/frat dudes who look like Greek gods, no homo. You can definitely pull down there thanks to the abundance of hot women (did great with Black and Latina women down there as a minority) but if you're competing for the hottest white girls, your competition includes possibly the best looking dudes on the planet. There is a really big niche of women who are into that surfer/frat/suburban white kid vibe.

It's not hard to get laid down there by any means, but your competition is intense regardless.

I second this.

Also though, don't forget the huge military presence in California that skews the ratios immensely. I think there's like 8-9 bases in the San Diego area alone.

Good news is that most girls are bangable in SoCal and many of them are super hot. I would say the average is 7-8 with the highest presence of 9-10s in the US.

For American standards maybe... the same average would turn in 5-6s in countries like Ukraine, Belarus or Russia..and your 9-10's (save exceptions wouldnt be higher than 7's.

Strongly disagree, in terms of sheer looks the women in SoCal can hold their own with women in any country (of course accounting for different preferences -- I found women in the DR to be vastly more attractive than girls in LA). There are still tons of fairly attractive girls of all races in LA, SD, and Santa Barbara. Anything you want is out there. Hot black girls in parts of LA, hot Latinas all over, hot white girls in SB/SD, hot Asians in the enclaves, hot Middle Eastern girls in Westwood, Glendale, and Hollywood.

The biggest issue out there is the fake, vacuous, and anti-intellectual culture. It's a very swag faggy place, lots of fuckboys and try hard frat kids. The women can be equivalently superficial and unpleasant to deal with.

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