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The Stefan Molyneux Thread

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-15-2018 06:46 PM)Buck Wild Wrote:  

I agree that Western women need some tough love---but he was just a bit too gleeful dispensing it. Like the constant harping over how boring/useless her family is. Even if true, what on earth can she realistically do about that? I agree that her parents have done her a major disservice...but no part of that is her fault at all and he was a bit too chipper when he was ripping on her folks. Just unseemly.


"If she had been dating a middle eastern doctor who wanted to marry her, I don't think Stef would have harpen on his ethnicity."

I didn't get that vibe, but I will grant that I could be wrong on this. He just seemed a bit too preoccupied with dude's race/religion when those should be lower on the dealbreaker list for a rapidly aging woman who's sexual & marriage market value are declining by the day.

I think he was harping on her because she admitted that she wasted the last TWO YEARS of rapidly declining fertility and beauty being a cum dumpster for a Syrian refugee errr "muslim immigrant". She admitted that she did this because he was attractive. It was one of many objectively horrible decisions. Decisions which she will now pay for by marrying a less desirable man; because she herself is less desirable as a wife than when she was in her early 20's. Watch the rest of the video. He goes over her insane checklist for a husband, and the probability of her finding someone that meets her criteria. His advice to her is to accept reality and lower her standards for her future husband.


Why on earth would he pointedly question this woman on the fact Swedish society wastes undue funds on medical education for women? What is she seriously supposed to say about that?!

Maybe: 'You're right. I'm sorry for all of my selfish and idiotic decisions. Because of them either society will have wasted over a million dollars in training me only to be down one physician. Or I'll continue practicing medicine and my husband and children will suffer from having an absentee mom. I also apologize to the dedicated pre-med student that wanted to be a full time doctor, who's slot I took; only to squander my training and education!'

Or maybe even she could recognize that since she's taken over a million dollars in other peoples' money via forcible government transfer the choice has already been made. As much as she wants to have children she now has an obligation to the society that has poured a staggering amount of resources into her to continue practicing medicine. If that means that she has to forgo having children, because there's no way she can be a full time doctor and a responsible mother; then so be it!

Hell she could even do what every other male physician who wants to have children does, and marry a lower earning spouse who stays at home with the children while she works to support the family. Although as she admitted in Molyneux's podcast that idea is anathema to her. So much for gender equality!

"Those who will not risk cannot win." -John Paul Jones

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