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The Stefan Molyneux Thread

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

I agree that Western women need some tough love---but he was just a bit too gleeful dispensing it. Like the constant harping over how boring/useless her family is. Even if true, what on earth can she realistically do about that? I agree that her parents have done her a major disservice...but no part of that is her fault at all and he was a bit too chipper when he was ripping on her folks. Just unseemly.


"If she had been dating a middle eastern doctor who wanted to marry her, I don't think Stef would have harpen on his ethnicity."

I didn't get that vibe, but I will grant that I could be wrong on this. He just seemed a bit too preoccupied with dude's race/religion when those should be lower on the dealbreaker list for a rapidly aging woman who's sexual & marriage market value are declining by the day.


"I deeply wonder if this woman will go away and learn from this."

I'm inclined to think he might have a had a better chance of getting through if he was gentler. I don't think it's likely she will watch this video and have a change of heart. But really who knows.

I actually feel sorry for girls like this. They've been lied to their ENTIRE lives. By their parents, the school system, the media, their equally clueless friends, their universities, the politicians, the churches---EVERYONE. After a lifetime of lies, she's finally getting the feeling that something isn't quite right and is reaching out to the only corner of the modern society with real, actionable answers. Given the real pain, confusion, frustration and vulnerability you could hear in this girls voice, I think he could have treated her a bit better.

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

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