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The Stefan Molyneux Thread

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-15-2018 12:45 PM)mpr Wrote:  

A woman completing an MD who rode the cock carousel, fucked Muslim immigrants, and is hitting the wall is SHOCKED that she can't find a rich, tall, handsome Chad to marry! She considers knocking herself up instead and intentionally becoming a single mother. The idea of lowering her standards never even occurs to her. Everything that's wrong with western women covered in about an hour.

I listened to the first 30 minutes of this and couldn't continue. Guy was, quite frankly, an asshole who really just seemed to enjoy hearing this woman writhe in discomfort. While I agree substantively with most all of his ideas and definitely think Western females need to be cut down from the pedestal, I also feel like there was a way to make his core points without coming off like someone with a (personal or ideological) axe to grind. Even more so after she'd shown a willingness to listen to alternative views and put herself out there for judgement and criticism on the freaking Internet. For instance, why on earth would he pointedly question this woman on the fact Swedish society wastes undue funds on medical education for women? What is she seriously supposed to say about that?! He also seemed more hung up on the fact that the ex-boyfriend was Arab Muslim as opposed to the fact that the she knew there was no future with him.

This video won't convince anyone who isn't already in agreement and I seriously doubt this woman is going to course-correct for her own good and that of her future children. Knowing Western females it's entirely possible that a more subtle approach wouldn't have helped either---but we'll never know.

Love the Swedish accent on women---they've been some quality lays for me.

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

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