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The Vox Day thread

The Vox Day thread

Trivial nuances, as if you can wipe away wrongdoing by shifting a comma. was developed by people on the right as an alt-twitter where censorship wouldn't rein supreme, and Vox got his panties in a bunch when an anonymous (the whole point of the platform) stormfag started talking shit about him.

So instead of shrugging his shoulders and getting on with his life he decided to play the role of the gamma globalist overlord and show the pitiful folk over at that he could run to the law of the land and destroy any concept they had about providing the right with a safe place to voice their opinions.

And like a typical gamma he framed it in pathetic terms about showing them the error of their ways and how it was for the good of the community in the end, but if it waddles like a gamma and quacks like a gamma then it's a gamma.

Has Donald Trump started lawsuits against everyone that defamed him on twitter? That called him a rapist? An allegation that the authorities might just take seriously?

No, Vox was gathering attention by punching right and showing everyone who was boss from behind the safety of a legal writ. Fair enough, he's a high functioning gamma like there are high functioning alphas, betas and even omegas who achieve success far beyond their typical peers, but he's still a gamma.

Alphas shrug and walk on.
Sigmas laugh and walk on.
Gammas like Vox take every wound to the heart, let it fester and then plot revenge. He pulls right but at heart he's in it for Vox.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

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