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The Vox Day thread

The Vox Day thread


Vox never sued Gab, he never threatened to sue Gab. He wanted to go after the users that posted defamatory comments,


Appreciate the clarification, but does this really change the argument?

OK so instead of going after Gab, he wanted to go after random people online who called him a pedo.

Let's change Leonard's comment to be precisely right:


And for the record, a Sigma wouldn't have tried to find the personal information of people over some stormfag's hurtful comments "because the authorities might take the accusations seriously". Do you seriously see Anonymous Bosch, Comte de Saint Germain, or Veloce doing something like that?

Yeah, VD definitely wasn't Gamma in this case...

Vox Day:

I will be pursuing this matter until the defamation is removed and the @dantheman10, @GTKRWN, and @Fabian_Nazism are forced to answer for their defamatory actions.


In the meantime, if you follow me on social media, you can do so on Twitter, as I will not be using Gab until the defamation is removed and policies are instituted that can be reasonably expected to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Can you be any more petty?

Not happening. - redbeard in regards to ETH flippening BTC

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