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Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (02-20-2018 11:59 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Got a pretty big concern that needs your opinion.

In June I'm going to Burundi (a tiny, wild African country that you cant find on a map) for the marriage of my old best buddy. Dude got smart and married a rich Catholic black Burundian girl who worships him. I cant miss that.

Problem is, it's wild Africa. In fucking middle of summer. I heard mosquitos and misbegotten insects that God made while drunks, go to their own gym and muscle up and kill people.

In order to get to the country, it is MANDATORY to be vaccinated against yellow fever (the viral kind, not the hentai kind)

I had some mandatory vaccines when I was young but growing up never had to take a flu shot or vaccines. And now this.
But I dont want to catch fever and die in pain in an African shithole country the day of my friend's wedding either.

Thoughts? Vaccine or no?

Yes, get vaccinated against the no-not--thehot-Asian-girls-fever for sure. Not just to protect your own health that is unused to local diseases, but also because many countries will not let you in if you haven't been vaccinated.

Also check for Malaria prevalence and take Malarone (an extremely effective yet mild anti-Malaria) pills if applicable.

p.s. for vaccination against the other Yellow Fever, I recommend gazing at a bikini photo of Priscilla Zuckerberg-Chan.

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