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Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

@WannaBang - re. a blog, I should do it when I'm approaching and traveling more again. Right now I'm obligated to close family problems, stuff that no one wants to deal with, but we all have to.

Then again I could start something from my experiences so far. Bodi mentioned in his book that despite his lower success and still "Beginner" level he had enough ideas from his experiences that he started writing. I would have to get some anonymous web hosting service that accepts something like Monero (XMR) for payment, because saying shit like "if there had been no men we would still be living in mud huts" etc. and talking without filter about the true nature of women will get you designated as a "hate speech" site and the author banned from entering certain countries (as Roosh is banned by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom indefinitely).

@Nowak, to be honest I don't believe I am qualified to "judge" Torero's results fully because he has approached many thousands of women, banged far more women and far higher quality women than I have by day game, and has a bizarre enjoyment of day game and spam approaching. In Krauser's memoirs Torero was just always out there hustling. You have to respect that. He has way bigger balls than me in that sense. Compare how difficult Bodi, by contrast, found it to approach women in the day, multiple nervous breakdowns and pretty much the opposite of what Torero conveys. For example I saw Torero's IG the other day; it's pretty much an entire advertisement for his business, mixed in with "I'm not a loser anymore, I get hot girls, look at this one." Because he has multiple pictures of girls in their underwear, in various destinations in the world.

I think Torero compared to 99.9% of "normal" men, has huge advantages in day game now because:

1. He genuinely enjoys it and is very pleased with his results even if he gets around 1/40 conversion rates.
2. He makes a shit load of money promoting and passing on his "daygame skills" to other guys around the world through bootcamps, 1-on-1s with particularly wealthy guys, and the sales of his books and video courses. This finances his travel and much more, so with day game as his "job", he is getting paid to do what he loves to do anyway, which is day game and travel. This guy has probably single handedly ruined a lot of formerly good cities for day game because he's not just one guy day gaming for the love of it, he is passing it on constantly, which if you notice eventually poisons the well and has the opposite effect: a guy can have the best "day game skills" in the world, but if you're in a city that has been overrun by daygamers, you are fucked.

These things and maybe other personality traits means Torero is uniquely positioned to get overall a decent ROI out of daygame even if he is still doing the whole "adventure sex" stuff. Basically spam a city for one or two quick fucks. Doesn't make sense to me but that's his job.

My one example about the polish girl with the BF was actually an exception in Poland. As girls in Kiev probably are, girls in Poland are the vast majority very loyal to their boyfriends. It doesn't matter if the boyfriend is "lower SMV" than you, and the boyfriend will be a block to this "lover" / r selected "adventure sex" thing in the vast majority of these cases. You're basically running up to a girl and trying to fuck up her relationship. A small amount of girls in EE might be frustrated and want that, but in EE having a BF means a lot more than it does in the West.

I may take a while to come to Ukraine let alone Kiev, but I will be there, hopefully within a year. In the time that I am forced to stay in the US, alongside staying by my family I may as well use this opportunity to improve my situation in other areas such as money, and I am also indeed learning Russian.


They are being gamed by the game itself, its not a way to live a normal healthy happy life.

Fantastic quote. At what point do we sit up and realize that unfortunately certain places have declined and over time decreasing places will offer a good ROI in terms of day game. If I found my own "poosy paradise" I wouldn't start a fucking bootcamp company to spam my own favorite place. My argument is not that we should stop running day game, it is just that even with the high failure turnover in day game (it's too hard or too low ROI for 99% of guys who try), there are still countless day game robots running around various cities around the world, especially in the "promised land" of EE. If you are not a pro like Krauser, who bangs 1 out of every 30 girls he approaches, then 1 in 100 is a more realistic ratio, if you are decent. There is no way I'm going to run 100 sets for a 20 minute fuck of a 6 in a disabled bathroom or even many fucks for one whole night. It's like in the film Casper The Friendly Ghost, where Casper is the ultimate whiteknight and sacrifices his own life so that his dream sweet girl can have her father back from the dead. Then because of his noble deed, he gets to "come alive" for a few minutes of dancing and a 5 second kiss.

When you're in a LTR with a girl, especially a high quality girl, the sexual and emotional fulfillment is 1000x+ greater than just one time adventure sex. But PUAs look down on this as if it's some kind of cop out - no, if you get a nice girl, sure you can carry on day gaming, but if you get into a LTR with that girl, it's not a cop out, it's smart. I would prefer to live in a place that I like, or at least that I can tolerate with minimal stress, where I have a few good girls, a few good friends and I can pursue my hobbies and happiness.

I know a guy who likes to use only online game in "WGF" locations. He has a big ego so day game would smash his entire "I am alpha" world view, that is why he doesn't do it. At first I thought he was weaseling his way out of doing the real tough work on the streets in FSU, but then again, he describes women as not his first priority, and he has taken account of the ROI of the top players in day game, and he once said, for the amount of work these guys are putting in, it is "pedestalizing" women, and these men are being gamed by dreams of streams of tall, white EE goddesses more than the day gamer might "game" any girl he is trying to seduce. I can see where he is coming from. He also called them "pussy slaves". He has a triple digit notch count, not suprising the places he goes, and the mostly mediocre quality he bangs, but all things considered he lives a "normal, healthy, happy life" compared to day gamers who follow the gurus and put in huge, huge work. I respect WannaBang for the amount of work he put in. And I am not fucking surprised he smashed his computer up. Meanwhile the aforementioned WGF online gamer is sitting on a beach working remotely for an hour or two a day and maybe surfing or diving or getting massages and acupuncture and living better than 99% of men in modern society, blue pill drones. Is this guy banging Russian models? No. Could he improve the quality of the girls he is banging? Sure. Is he happier than stubbornly persistent day gamers like me? Hell yeah. This is why I refuse to pedestalize polish girls, they are pretty but banging my head against the wall trying to game them instead of accepting a changed country will just make me unhappy and unhealthy in the end. There's a balance between quality of women and quality of other areas of life that needs to be found.

They are being gamed by the game itself, its not a way to live a normal healthy happy life.

@churros, perfect choice of gif

@WannaBang - Yes, the BF was likely some very, very average dude at her university, definitely no cold approach involved. Here we see the advantage of the "freedom" of cold approach against the backdrop of the disadvantage of the "outsider" factor. Humans are tribal creatures. We can technically approach "any girl, any time, anywhere", but this is deceptive because even if you're good attractive girls already have lives, mostly BFs, met through social circle. Like a poor kid on the street looking into a massive, bright toy store in the days before Christmas, you're always on the outside of the glass window, looking in. This is why an insane amount of experience and technical knowledge has gone into the newest daygame book by Krauser, Daygame Infinite. It is a very intense, almost academic read. If you think this is required to get girls in the day then how did any of us get GFs when we were younger? Through the "tribal" social circle. So much has to be learned to be successful at day game because it goes against millions of years of evolution in terms of how men have always met women. Anonymity of modern cities and people "outside" the tribe are new phenomena. You could take this girl on 5 dates and in the end she doesn't give a fuck, she will choose familiarity nearly all the time.

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