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Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (02-22-2018 10:24 PM)EndsExpect Wrote:  

Quote: (01-24-2018 09:39 AM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

I think if my non-Anglosphere white girl qualification/comfort game was better I could get them. I've no doubt that a better daygamer could get a fair % of these, but all of them? No matter how good any of us is, no one can get all. When you see a girl in front of you having a full blown panic attack in public, and hugging her just makes her worse, so you literally can't do shit (eventually I went to sit on a bench where she couldn't see me), some girls just have shit going on in their heads that only a guy in their social circle can get them. Queue the "game denialist" accusations. Whether it's due to mental problems, conservatism, laziness, strict no cold approach rules about how couples "should" meet etc., a certain % of girls will be inaccessible even to the best cold approaches.
I'm looking forward to seeing what Krauser has to say.

I know this debate is probably over already... but I just want to say I totally agree with you on this.

I grew up in a fairly conservative community with lots of church girls. You have to figure out what kind of girl you are dealing with rather quickly. How they respond to light arm touching can tell you A LOT. Read her reactions. The conservative girls you just have to play a long game with them... they may not bang for several months, but social circle is not required. You have to show them that you are not a player.... that's really the key here. You can't push their boundaries too far too fast. These girls are just as freaky as the rest... you just need to calibrate your approach. I'm telling you that Muslim girls require this kind of work. I had to slow play this Afghan girl for 3 months to get her comfortable.

Yes, that is what I was trying to say. Some strictly meet only via social circle, church, family or whatever. Not every girl is prepared to be seduced via any type of cold approach, night or day. It's not game denialism, it's just a reality for a certain % of girls, so that we can actually focus on the girls that are possible to get by cold approach. I also agree with the fact that, just because they require an often ridiculous amount of rapport/comfort, this doesn't mean she is not freaky when you have had sex a few times. In fact, because of the pressure cooker effect of conservatism, some of these girls are actually more passionate and freaky, it's almost as if she has been starving for the sex that she was also so very afraid of.

Quote: (02-23-2018 01:08 PM)WannaBang Wrote:  

Yeah Skankhunt, all very good points and very logical.

BTW I put this reply in this daygame thread as it was more relevant than in your recording equipment thread.

To get the conversion rates up, it's also a task of figuring out what the girl needs, so you can sell it to her, as I said above. Knowing what position on the spectrum to go for in terms of r/K and other variables as well, is where the "advanced calibration" Krauser talks about in his new book.

When you record stuff, you could experiment in your chosen location with various positions on the r/K spectrum in your look and your behavior on approach and on dates to see what yields the higher conversion rates.

There are instances where going almost full r is the only thing that will give you a chance, because of a long-term BF that she is content with. It's a weird situation where a guy can come in who might be open to a relationship with a quality girl but all he can get is an adventure sex fuck. The girl gets her exciting bang and maybe a few orgasms that he BF can't provide and she goes on her way. I have had that happen and I feel almost like a walking dildo. But other guys like Krauser actually want the whole one and done thing.

Example: in Poland I approached a girl in the mall and it seemed to be going good, got her number, but she got nervous about giving it out. Like looking around and stuff. I didn't care because she was young, cute as hell, again near my perfect GF type physically. She was very sweet but (red flag!) had lived in UK for part of her childhood so her English was great and I found myself running more "western" game on her but it flowed so smoothly as she didn't shit test so much, "western" in the sense of light teasing, she got inside jokes and stuff like that.

So we are texting back and forth that evening, and she replies almost immediately every time, hot lead so I think, with again a girl near my perfect archetype. Compare this to the sweet conservative polish girl who grew up in far east of Poland who didn't have whatsapp and took hours if not an entire day to text back. UK girls are smartphone addicts even worse than the polish girls. I remember I said one thing that was more "K" than r, thinking nothing of it in Poland. She then says "oh my BF likes that too".

Two possibilities: she's just a smartphone addict and gives out her number for attention/orbiters, as some UK girls do. Polish girls who have not been to the West will generally not do this and if there is a BF they will not waste your time. The second possibility is that this girl had a BF, but wasn't getting her needs met, and wanted pure r "adventure sex". Looking at this girl sitting down, her cute voice, her cute doll like features, you would never think that she wants some dirty bastard like Krauser to bend her over and root her like an animal. Then she will do normal dinner dates with her BF as if nothing happened, where everyone around looks at her like she is the cutest little angel. So there are cases where full discreet r works and I think this is what Krauser and Torero are doing nowadays. Filtering even further for one time adventure sex girls. Especially if they are nomadic. I was in Poland to see what the country had for mLTR potential. I don't see the ROI in doing 100 approaches, going through dates etc. to get one dirty disabled bathroom bang. If you're in a place and collect LTRs you have a small harem and 1000x more sexual and romantic time.

Because of my time spent in approach and texting, I told this girl to fuck off. From what appeared to be GF material, was a polish girl who would cheat on her BF. It was like a cute girl (polish looks) with cute personality (polish) but with hidden, hypergamous traits of being partially raised in the west. I wasn't interested in even trying to fuck her one time.

Looking back I made the mistake of not recognizing that my only way in was by near full on r adventure sex mode, but possibly fucking her so well that she returns, and again, then soon she is catching feelings and will "monkey branch" to me. That's how the few "steals" I managed to pull off has worked in the US and UK with girls with BFs. I never liked to do it and only did it a few times in my life, half of these from night game sluts when I was much younger, but it's hard to find attractive girls who are actually single. There is always "some guy" around, at the very least.

So that is a story of how someone with better game and awareness to recognize an r opportunity at least, and then possibly who could have gotten what he wanted i.e. converted her if he wanted. On the other hand, it would have felt bittersweet, and I would always know that if she cheats with you, she can cheat on you. I like young, loyal polish girls, but the paradox of cold approaching them is just that: they are extremely loyal. If you steal them they reveal their lack of fidelity, if you can't steal them you don't get to bang them and do whatever else you want. So it is a win/win only if you are a genuine nomadic one time adventure sex guy. I think this strong r adventure sex, heck so much of the PUA industry, based on cold approach, is an unnatural response to unnatural circumstances, liberated girls with almost unlimited choice in a cold approach (non-tribal) environment.

If I have a sweet GF who is a virgin when I met her, and I get 1-2 good years out of her in her absolute prime with many great memories, then her looks fade slightly (but still hot) and she starts to get poisoned by the stuff on her phone and gets fucked one time by Krauser, I would prefer to be the BF, yes, the "cuck", than the guy who had adventure sex with her one time. I would obviously leave her but by being more "K" I would have gotten much more out of her than the wandering daygamer who banged her once. r "adventure sex" guys often portray themselves as laughing at the poor K selected BFs as "cucks", but if I have mLTRs and one of them gets banged by a nomadic PUA, I don't really know who is laughing at whom. Because as we know very well, there are huge financial and emotional costs of being the rogue wandering nomad. Day game is dirty; trying to sell your dick on the streets of the FSU should be one of the dictionary definitions of "cold".

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