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Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Quote: (03-07-2012 01:06 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (03-07-2012 12:54 PM)Enfant_Terrible Wrote:  


haha. Do you know how many Europeans busted my balls over owning a truck? They didn't get the concept of living on the side of a mountain, and needing 4wd in the winter. Or hauling firewood.

One response was, "well, shouldn't your government provide heat"? I was speechless.

And yes, I left the question mark after the quotations. It looks better.

Nah man, pick up / personal trucks are all good with me.

I don't like the big shipping rig types, ok I know they're important but I don't like them on the freeways. They should only be there when everybody's asleep or partying.

I appreciate good writing, but I'm no grammar nazi because I can read expressions.

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