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The Netherlands

The Netherlands

Quote: (02-23-2018 01:01 AM)jcrew247 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-22-2018 02:49 PM)Bikal Wrote:  

Quote: (02-22-2018 01:52 PM)jcrew247 Wrote:  

How do the norway women compare to dutch women?
I lived with a girl from Oslo, I kept seeing her friends, she had the same 10 girls over all the time and out of those 10, only 1 was ugly and overweight, 7 were 7/8 and 2 were 9/10s.

When we held house parties and the other Norwegians came, it was literally a see of 7/8s with the odd 9/10 which I'd guess is similar to Norway, tall beautiful, very blonde and fair skin but the odd fatty thrown in throws it all off the scale slightly. I'd place them hotter than Swedes but Oslo is boring in comparison to Stockholm so it's a trade off if you decide one over the other.

Based on my experience with Norwegian guys as competition, don't shorten their names, for example if they're called Thomas, don't call them Tom, they don't like that and you can lose face with the girls quickly if you insist on calling their guy friends by a shortened version of their name as it's rude, apparently... Personally I'd consider the guys to be pansies and not a threat but you do need to be careful with how far you push sometimes, there are a lot of Norwegian snowflakes willing to take issue with anything and you will lose the argument.

Dutch women aren't that attractive overall in my opinion, they're easy but they're also not that attractive despite having a superiority complex that places them a couple of points higher than they are, I frequently backhand complimented and it worked. I wouldn't go back to the Netherlands or Dutch women again, aside from the rare beauty, they're meh.

Yeah, I've seen some hot norwegian women, seems like they are more from northern norway near trondheim or maybe they were going to college there. There seems to be alot of conflicting views on dutch women. I guess it just depends on the type of women you actually meet. Some can be attractive or others I've seen can have masculine faces. Do you think the model Gisele is attractive? She's from brazil but her parents are German, and I've always found her face to be sort of rough, especially compared to other smoother feminine faces. I've just never thought her face was that attractive.

Dutch women have shitty attitudes, are thick boned, aren’t feminine and are weird as fuck. They also have a robotic behaviour...dutch guys are cooler than their women but we cant’t fuck them. They are a bit castrated like in the UK, good and fun lads...but the women rule them.
I had more fun there with girls from the minorities...but I prefer black women anyway.

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