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New Hollywood Movie Promotes Female Promiscuity, Homosexuality, and Transgenderism!

New Hollywood Movie Promotes Female Promiscuity, Homosexuality, and Transgenderism!

Indeed, when it comes to entertainment never use the words "it's just" to describe anything.

When I was a kid I watched the show Soap, which debuted in1977. It was considered a silly over the top parody of Soap operas. But take a look at the Jody storyline: the real breakout role for Billy Crystal, Jody was a happy go lucky homosexual in search of love just like anyone else..His lover was a closeted NFL quarterback. To be a more socially acceptable couple, Jody was exploring getting a sex change operation.

At the time, religious groups warned this was a slippery slope towards degeneracy. But the media said, "it's just a comedy, don't be so uptight."

And where are we now in terms of societal dogma?

Gay men are just like everyone else and deserve the same relationships (like marriage).... Check!
Masculine men are typically homos in the closet., too scared to come out.. Check!
Trannyism is a legit lifestyle decision... Check!

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