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Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

@bojangles -- forgive me for condensing your post somewhat, but aside from the very understandable burnout given that you've been in it since '09, your reason seems to be decreasing ROI, and better ROI through other ways of meeting women. It's just the same common theme of globalization, smartphones, and invasion of foreign hordes and bootcamp spammers. I get a weird contrast in Poland, where a girl's initial face to face interest actually means a lot less than it might in a medium sized city near me in the US, in terms of getting the girl into bed. I think on the one hand girls are bombarded with bullshit from their smartphones and they are sick of foreigners approaching them on the street, but on the other hand if any sort of at least semi-decent foreigner comes in with a semi-decent approach then she is still susceptible to autonomic responses to a man she's attracted to, and duly displays IOIs aplenty. The problem is cutting through the long EE dating process along with the suspicions she may have of you as a random foreigner (since it's not social circle). She knows what's up from the other random men who (perhaps less skilfully) approached her on the street. At night, as well, foreigners are accosted to enter one of the many strip clubs under the assumption that they are of course all there as fly by night pussy rats. I felt like I almost got through to a couple - one stood in deep thought for a long time as I tried out a grounding story about how "I'm not like the rest" - it was truly a near Oscar winning performance, tears welling in this sweet girl's eyes, but she knew I was only there for a few months. I received some lovely, what I believe to be sincere compliments, but she cannot get involved with someone like me.

@ksbms -- Indeed I am saying it is a tough call and given your location your date to approach rate is very good indeed. I am also saying that, if we assume Krauser to be pushing the top end of what is actually possible, around 3% lays to approaches, then unless we learn to be masters ourselves, in our own right, we are doomed either to failure, or to being reduced to outright spam, even with decent "skills". I read posts about lay rates of 1 in 250 approaches and that goes beyond a "tough call" and into "ridiculous, spam necessary" territory. I see these rates as completely unsustainable but a few brave, in my opinion somewhat crazy, men are going out and getting these sorts of results, even in places formerly held as PP e.g. Poland. In light of this, I definitely believe in and employ "advanced mode calibration and sniper style method". It takes me longer to run through volume, but without it I would be just another half blind spammer. I sometimes go to the absolute top level of a mall and "snipe" targets from a distance with nothing but my own average vision, sometimes dots in the distance, other times standing on the level below me.

In EE if you choose Poland you will be very impressed by the quantity of pretty girls, depending on how bad it is where you are specifically and where you go, possibly even shocked somewhat, and very inspired by the amount of initial interest shown by polish girls, and by the relatively low local competition. Upon first landing, it appears to be a pitch perfectly cut and watered for some fine Game. But for each major positive there is an equal or greater negative, in my opinion. I would be curious to see what you make of the place, should you go there. I am in the (lower regions) of the UK from time to time and will return to EE within the year I hope but further East. In these situations at least trying to make daygame fun even when failure is pre-eminent is key. We probably have our own unique quirks but it does seem that we at least believe in some sort of Krauser-inspired structure for day game, and the at times very difficult love for it as well. I met daygamers in Poland and they also incorporated direct, completely structured day game, but we just didn't become friends, there was almost negative camaraderie from my end as I watched them mindlessly approach any skirt in sight, carpet bombing one of my favorite locations. In short, maybe one day we should game together or just shoot the shit for a while, because if there is one thing that drove the success of even the most "Sigma" of them all in his memoirs, it is the initial friendship between RP men with a common goal. Ultimately perhaps with a couple other guys some sort of "EE RSG" team can be formed from members of this forum, with rules, a code, like the original RSG group e.g. restrictions on spamming/burning down cities etc.!

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