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Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

@bojangles, I think you were mentioned in Bodi's book or maybe one of Krauser's. Not extensively, I can't remember exactly, but that you were out daygaming with someone, a sentence or two about you and that was it I think. Nothing bad IIRC. So, why did you give up day game? Intolerably low ROI? Too painful (dentist's chair daygame, as Krauser calls it)? Too busy with work? It's sad that someone mentioned by Bodi or Krauser has left it.

There are a still a few daygamers kicking around occasionally for short weekends or weeks, in the main cities, but in general a huge % has given up, maybe in general or just on the specific country (PL).

And again, going from the "notch" thread, it's mostly online with some night game in there.

Mostly I find nightgame sausagefests in the Anglosphere and maybe even worse in Poland. Nightgame is just intolerable for me personally. So it leaves day game. But I feel a tiny, tiny % of guys are actually doing let alone getting consistent results from day game. Online technically has more rejections if you're not a shredded male model, but the rejections are "virtual" and you just play the numbers game hard to find a couple DTF sluts and strike while the iron is hot.

The only guy who I have read recently of great success in night game scenarios is DigitalNomad. Some have said his thread is one of the most epic on rvf. In terms of results, hell yeah it is. But in terms of how he did it and how other guys might replicate it, there is precious little insight compared to say, a journal of Bodi which contains far fewer lays but more insight as to what actually goes on in the process. I've wondered that unless you're a male model or you're approaching like a machine, it's hard to imagine about 120 notches in a year. If he's approaching like a machine, that's great, but there is far less mention of failures in his cold approaches than there are of +1s. There were a few posts where he honestly but quickly mentions got rejected by a ton of Estonian girls one night IIRC, and other mentions of "planting seeds" and then seeing if one comes through later. This implies that he might be approaching a lot, and he has the strength and positive mental state to keep it up and not dwell on the failures. That's why it comes out looking so good as if there is no failure in the process, of which I would be skeptical. DN is a perfect mix of positive traits for traveling and cold approaching for fast lays on slutty girls.

Not all of us have that, though. And DN doesn't like Day compared to Night game because of the simple and correct fact that SNLs can happen - especially in the places he visits with loose tourists, slutty local girls etc. - while day game often requires waiting, dates, flakes etc. I still think DN would outperform most of us if he sincerely tried Day game as per Krauser's model, but it would still be fitting a square peg in a round hole.

The tales of "epic" success in Day game are few and far between. Tom Torero loses count of his approaches as he does so many, so his stats don't include initial approach count. They only include how many numbers he turned into dates and bangs. Krauser does under 3% lay to approach. This is a guy who is asking for 5k per week to teach daygame that fails 29 out of 30 times. But then I come across threads on rvf where guys who don't like night game, who are "hard cases" e.g. virgins, long dry spells etc., and who approach hundreds and hundreds of girls, up to 1000, either with nothing to show for it or maybe 3 or 4 lays from it. These sub 0.5% conversion rates are just not sustainable and very low, but maybe they are closer to the average than the 3% "masters". So if 3% is nearing the top of our chances in the long-run, you have to decide whether failing 29/30 times is worth having your 1 success. Day gamers (3% "coaches") have told me about a quality ceiling even in day game. That's because all the best girls have been snapped up already.

Sometimes I feel that part of my game is most suited to night - western clown game, logistics, fast escalation, cheating on BF often accepted - while the other part is most suited to the day - quiet, no alcohol, no music to the point where you can't speak etc. I never anticipated how hard the multiple date requirement of EE girls would be.

@Teedub - I was referring to "what Krauser has to say in Daygame Infinite" i.e. in his new book not on this forum.

As far as Bodi's books - they are extremely funny at times albeit in a dark way. Some of the most pathetic circumstances where you can't imagine it would get worse, it can be incredibly depressing, shocking and laugh out loud "what the flying fuck am I reading". As for Krauser, even if Bodi likes him, he just comes across as someone who, ultimately in defence of his own ego, constructs a reality about himself as some sort of "Secret King", but this is what enables him to game the hottest girls and protects him from a lot of the emotional pain of rejection for example. If you're an ugly ~40 year old bald guy going out to game hot 20 year olds, stubbornly viewing yourself as a sort of royalty of the streets that no one has heard of yet - a diamond in the rough - this delusional confidence is strong and can be felt by the girls he approaches. If he had the personality of an average guy, he wouldn't be able to get anything from these higher quality sluts. So I understand a bit why he looks upon himself in that way and why it might be necessary even for me in the end, putting in as many numbers as he has, but he admits that this does not lead him to being a very "likable" person. In Bodi's books Krauser is not a character portrayed in much of a positive light. He comes across as a narcissistic, primitive, loud Geordie who is always crudely munching on something. Very often Monster Munch, of which he made sure to keep a few packets under his bed. I also read that he doesn't wash his hands after taking a shit?! WTF?! Another hilarious moment in Bodi's books but fuck me man, that's just gross. Krauser just gives a little confident justification for this practise. Nor does he use soap or shampoo or any kind of stuff like that in the shower. Just water, not even baking soda.

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