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Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Quote: (03-06-2012 02:29 AM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

Quote: (03-05-2012 11:40 PM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-05-2012 02:02 PM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

Quote: (03-05-2012 12:37 PM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-05-2012 10:14 AM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

Although I've never been to the Philippines, it doesn't figure in my mental map of the world.

From what I've heard its full of stray dogs, bad food, and desperate American pensioners.

Plus the philipino girls I've seen are nothing compared to thais, Vietnamese etc.

Deb Auchery, shut your mouth a bit and keep your opinions to yourself, until youve been to a country. Youd be a rock star in the Philppines with your looks and height, even more so than Ukraine. I prefer latinas and eastern europeans more than asians, but there is nothing to complain about, in terms of the women and getting laid in the Phils. And here in the the Philippines there are enough 7 and 8s to keep a man happy, though yes, i agree, in Thailand or Japan, for example, there are more 9s and a higher average quality.
To most of us, Ukraine would be a shit hole if it wasnt for the fact that they have some of the finest looking women in the world.

Pretty harsh response cochmonger.

I'm sure the quality in Ukraine is many times higher than that of Phillipines.

Ukraine is a shit hole without the women, but I can live with it at the moment

Yes, Deb I dont disagree with you. You have alot more 8 and 9s in Ukraine to keep you entertained, so I envy you at times. No one doubts here, that the average quality of a Ukranian girl is higher than a Filipina. But for most of the forum members(who arent 6 ft 6 and very handsome) this is the easiest place in the world to pull a young 6 or 7 with occasional 8s in the mix, almost every night. It aint bad at all, especially in a city like Davao, which is relatively clean, safe and has alot of nice beaches nearby. In that sense, it beats the hell out of all the industrial shit hole cities in the Ukraine.
Nonetheless, I love variety so ill be heading to Ukraine and Eastern Europe soon, once im satiated with all these Asian chicks.

I think I will stick to Thailand which has prettier girls and better food
Not a bad place to pick but just be careful of the ladyboys, semipros and the lack of english speakers. But since you are 6 feet 6 my friend i think it doesnt matter what country you go to. Wilt Chamberlain banged 20,000 women for a reason.

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