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Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (01-31-2018 11:47 AM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (01-31-2018 08:31 AM)Hell_Is_Like_Newark Wrote:  

If your decision to not get vaccinated only affected you, I wouldn't care if you got it or not. However, not getting vaccinated has ill effects on others. Case in point: My area over the past couple of years have had breakouts of German measles. Non-vaccinated illegals, anti-vaxxers, and people who lost their immunity* are to blame. The thing with measles is someone who is infected can infect others hours after they have left the area... Malls, subways, etc. The disease is that virulent.

I had a personal scare when an alert went out that a man infected with measles was in the same areas that I commute to work during the week, around the time I would have been there. A few days before I had blood work done and found out my immunity to Whooping Cough was minimal and my immunity to measles was none. The vaccines I had as a kid had worn off. My doctor didn't have measles on hand. I ran out to the local pharmacy and got a new MMR shot (gave me the dry heaves the next morning).

People who exercise, eat a healthy diet, address their stress levels, and minimize their exposure to toxins will have a very low likelihood of ever getting one of these diseases, because they have naturally maximized their immune system. If they also take certain natural supplements during an outbreak (echinacea, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, etc.) then the odds grow even smaller. (Modern sanitation methods have reduced any systemic risk arising from poor sanitation.)

On the other end of the spectrum are people who could care less about proper diet, exercise, stress, or toxins. Instead, they are lazy and want modern medicine to use the "magic pill" to cure (or prevent) all their ills, even if the magic pill contains mercury or formaldehyde.

So far, so good. I am all about free choice. The problem occurs when the lazy and the ill-informed wish to force their choices upon the rest of us. The same people who are so lackadaisical and negligent about their own health want their own do-nothing health philosophy foisted upon the innocent (i.e., those who have taken great pains over many years, or even decades, to safeguard their health and maximize their immune systems).

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!” Benjamin Franklin.

BTW: When Americans are asked what type of government they have, more than 99% of will respond by saying "a democracy." Not true. They live in a Constitutional Republic, where certain inalienable rights are protected on behalf of the minority against the tyranny of the majority. I often use this quote by Benjamin Franklin to highlight that fact. The Constitution protects the minority -- and the Second Amendment protects the Constitution.

Sorry, Brutha. Apart from the things you said about the government, which are all true, your medical "theory" is completely baseless. Diseases don't care what you had for breakfast.

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