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Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-27-2018 01:22 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

AB: Nice essay, but Mike hasn't sold out in any capacity. He uses his own money and time to do everything he wants. He always tells people he has no big donors backing him (no Mercer $$$). No boss Jew in the background.

Again, Mike is making shit happen and running his own dreams and visions, and people are just ankle biting him. It's sad.

What other political leader is throwing massive parties with vegas style theatrics? What other place can people crack race jokes amongst men of different races?

I was at the Night for Freedom. 80% White, yet no one gave a fuck about race bullshit. It was all understood implicitly - Whites are different and that's fine, we want to keep our culture and traditions and still allow other races to join if they so wish. No need to go on long alt-right rants about the Jew and other races.

By avoiding mentioning the JQ explicitly we could keep the vibe on having a good time, and pushing anti-Jewish reforms (no more global trade deals, no more immigration, free speech). There is no need to fight every battle at once. Mike avoiding the JQ is smart tactically and strategically, and hating on him for being a smart general makes no sense.

Avoiding the JQ, and (((...))) is probably a good idea strategically.That's not the issue. He's made repeated character assassinations of people who DO bring it up. Punching right...

Teep is particularly irrational:


Mike has flip-flopped a lot. He used to call himself alt right. I can't help but think his attacks on the right aren't based off any sort of principle - but rather financial gain.

Hello, why would anyone call themselves alt-right and get associated with morons like Richard Spencer? Spencer has NO IDEA how to run a political movement. His leadership is beyond awful. He has nothing but LOSSES for all of his work. Why would anyone want to be associated with a loser?

You can't measure the value of a movement in victories. As deeply entrenched as (((they))) are in the seats of power, there's going to be a lot of setbacks.

Spencer had his chance, so did Nehlen, so did so many others, they blew it. That's how the political world works - you get your chance and if you waste it people have no choice but leave your carcass behind on the battlefield.

Lol, he's been a public figure now for what...1- 2years? Same with Nehlen. Yep, didn't manage to change the country in a couple years. Huge fail. Let's give up everybody...

Of course, people are so tied into their fanboyism over a few favorite political leaders like Spencer, that they become celebs beyond criticism and can do no wrong. No matter how many fuckups these alt-right clowns have, they still get their loyal followers to justify their mistakes because they are "pure."

It's a joke! It's totally irrational. The world operates on results, not feels.

What result has Mike actually accomplished aside from selling his book, and other self-promotional activities? I mean from a business standpoint I can admire that. But you compare to Spencer as if he's managed to institute some significant policy change. He hasn't.


As for affecting societal change, immigration is the SINGLE biggest issue America and the West faces. It's an economic issue, it's a crime issue, it's a social cohesion issue,etc..Spencer's idea for a 50 year moratorium on ALL immigration would have huge positive impact. And that's why the idea is catching on steam. Even Trump and "mainstream" right wingers are pushing now for restricted legal immigration...

^ This is yet more proof Teep is irrational. I made immigration the talk of the night, as I linked in my tweet on page 2. Everyone there was against immigration. During the follow up question, somehow the topic of families came up.

Gavin said, "HAVE MORE BABIES. More White - WESTERN - babies. More Western babies!!

To which the comedian, Owen followed up, "Who act White!"

Because that summed up the gist of the "alt-lite." We all know race matters. But unlike the sperg-tards on the alt-right, none of us think there is anything to racial purity.

I think you're confusing the alt-right with Nazism. They have absolutely nothing to do each other. Racial purity, arianism, etc. are not subjects even brought up in alt right circles.

Race purity is a Talmudic Jewish concept by the way. And look at those big, lovely noses that pure breeding has gotten Mr. Talmud over 2000 years? As well as a host of so many other purebred traits?

To play devils advocate, aside from horrendously bad looks, I'd say racial purity has done the Jews a lot of good objectively. They're amongst the highest IQ populations in the world.

I think it's good that most modern Talmudic Jews are moving away from the pure breed model. It will do their bloodline a whole lot of good.

It's just like anything in life. The dose makes the poison. You need water every day to survive. Without water you die. But if you overdose on water, you'll drown. Same with alcohol - a drink here and there is okay, even good for you. Take too much and you're dead. Same with vitamins.

Likewise with race - somewhere between 10-20% of the race mixing will strengthen the race over time. But too much beyond that can lead to all sorts of unwanted problems. Likewise having no race mixing for extended periods of time can also produce problems (like having a vitamin deficiency).

People in the "alt-lite" get this implicitly even if they cannot explain it. Everything I've said above will eventually become common knowledge, I will make sure of it.

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