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Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-24-2018 07:19 PM)helmutschmidt31 Wrote:  

A few points from an attendee:

1) Cernovich is a nice guy, and did a decent job with the event. But, the entire backstory just doesn't make sense. You do not reserve a nightclub of that size with that level of staffing for 600+ people with $16,000 on your credit card. You probably couldn't reserve a venue for that many people anywhere in the country for $16,000. The initial two venues released by email were NOT in Midtown West as the invite indicated. This one was. It is clear the two prior events were either distraction or promotion.

2) There was *no* security at the event. It wasn't that long ago EVERY dance club of that size had metal detectors. How on earth was there not even a metal detector? Anyone could have walked in there with any number of weapons without any trouble.

3) The venue was, oddly, a cash bar. Who brings cash out these days? Why no notice? Oh, the bartenders indicate it was all paid for in advance. So they gave me drinks anyway. I guess it is perhaps better people didn't get trashed, but it was weird.

4) The scene by 9pm already had become violent. I left at this time because I brought my girlfriend. One would think with the large number of attendees, most of whom presumably subscribe to the "Gorilla Mindset", a reasonable defense could have been orchestrated in light of the terrible security at the event. How is it possible individuals were left to fend for themselves?

My advice to all of you interested in creating a movement: be very careful. I don't mind risk and danger, but renting a metal detector would have cost less than the gigantic LED screen behind the stage. This approached recklessness, particularly given the large crowd in DC the prior year. Yes, it is true the NYPD don't fuck around, but their numbers were stretched thin due to the women's march, which took up all of Midtown. As well, this was the kind of event where you see just how phony the "manliness" of these people really are. The men in attendance vastly outnumbered the police and antifa. No one should have been left to fend for themselves, and groups should have been organized to walk people to Midtown and the subway.

All that said, it was pleasant to see a surprisingly mixed-race, well-dressed crowd, a number of attractive women, and nothing approaching the madness of the "alt right" faction. Maybe I am being too hard on the organizers, but I can say for certain I will never attend any public events like these again. It's just not worth the risk.

I think the distraction theory has legs - probably the only way to handle something like this that's bound to get infiltrated and targeted by the opposition.

What got violent? The only thing I heard about was the attack on that one older guy and some shouting outside the doors by the antifags.

On the plus side it's good to hear it didn't also get infiltrated by tiki-torch waving asswipes trying to turn it into another Charlottesville mess. Even without their presence the event was already falsely labeled an extremist gathering.

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