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Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-24-2018 10:16 PM)helmutschmidt31 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-24-2018 10:05 PM)Teep Wrote:  

Quote: (01-24-2018 09:38 PM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

Both of you are supporting my point.

The Alt-Right is Richard Spencer's term. He can have it. No one else wants it anyway. The media tried to put it on everyone who follows alternative right leaning media but I haven't seen anyone come out and say yes I'm alt right.

If you say you're alt-right, you just mean you're part of a movement led by Richard Spencer. And if you let the media define you as alt right, you're letting the media push their narrative that there's a huge evil group called the alt right and at the centre of it this evil Nazi called Richard Spencer who is the leader.

When it's not true at all, most of us had never heard of him until the media made him famous with that fake nazi salute story. Just using that term gives the narrative credibility.

Differentiate from cuckservatives by outgrouping them, not yourselves. It's so easy to trigger them by just telling them that they're really lefties.

The alt right is just a new spin on white nationalism. It's a more succinct and palatable term. And I think the idea behind it was that it would bring more disillusioned conservative and right wingers into the fold.

Unlike some members on this forum, I have no problem with Richard Spencer. He's been consistently and publicly espousing the same views for over a decade. So if he's a government plant, that has to be the longest undercover operation in history.

Cernovic, and other alt light figureheads seem to envy the mainstream media coverage he gets. The fact is he's a more interesting character than they are.

Richard Spencer is batshit insane, and you would be wise to steer far clear of him. He once was an interesting character, but that is no longer the case. He is not a government plant, he is simply a narcissist driven mad by the very media attention you believe is a good thing. And really, you couldn't be more wrong. Ten years ago, he thought Jews were great and was engaged to a Chinese woman.

He was fired from The American Conservative in 2007 for being too extreme.

He dated a lot of Asian women. So fucking what. I don't think anybody in the alt right harbors any negative sentiment towards Asians. They're a model minority.

That feeling goes pretty far back apparently...

“I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves,” Adolf Hitler said in 1945. “They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own.”

As for the Jews, he's tactfully "trolly". I think the Jerusalem Post interviewed him recently and he said he was pro-Israel and wanted white Zionism in the West.

That's a much smarter approach than all the spastics foaming at the mouth about (((them))). I know it's fun...but not very productive.

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