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The Stefan Molyneux Thread

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-24-2018 09:19 PM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

Not dogpiling, just waiting to hear arguments other than vague accusations like narcissism (I could argue that your constant double and triple posts are kind of narcisstic too) and incorrect observations such as being afraid to scare his audience, which is demonstrably not true.

I like him, he was really good at Mike Cernovich's event. Yes his videos are kind of long, serious and heavy for me too, but I'm glad he makes good content and is waking a lot of people up to important issues on youtube.

Edit: Holy shit, I should edit that and say quintuple posting. I think you're taking this issue a little too seriously.

Ah, the Cernovich connection. Now it's all starting to become crystal clear.

I have given criticisms of Moly, I've given none against our boy Mike. And none by proxy are implied. No snark.

Look if you enjoy him and get value from that, good.

As for narcissism, it's pretty hard for me not to suffer from it having a narc mum, narc dad, narc step-father and a narc-brother. I'm the only person in my family that doesn't suffer from 'malignant narcissism'. But let's not get nasty here eh? It's a touchy subject.

Attention seeking is not narcissism. And it's not attention seeking to merely try and defend yourself against every point leveled against you.

Granted, it's a little unusual.

Apologies to Roosh. Thanks to the mods for being such great sports. I love you magnificent motherfuckers believe it or not. And a little mild roasting now and again does no harm.

It's not how I thought the direction of this thread would go, but there you go.

If I've really pissed in your chips, you can always mute me, or even cut me to my core by taking away a previous rep point. That always modifies my behaviour in the direction you were hoping for. Doesn't it?

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