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The Stefan Molyneux Thread

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-22-2018 10:57 AM)Syberpunk Wrote:  

Quote: (01-22-2018 08:45 AM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

Quote: (01-21-2018 10:01 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

I've had it with Moly and Styx. Youtube E-Sleb pundits. Fuck them.

They won't do fuck all that upsets their demographic.

I'm not so sure of that. I followed him even back in 2011 and he was even talking about open boarders back then. And two years ago or something he started to put several videos up about closed boarders, race and IQ, which I know scared a lot of people away. I used to read this libertarian forum before and a lot of them were upset with him even though he was totally right.

In the bigger perspective Molyneux has done far more good for the world than most people, I think it's disrespectful to talk like that considering that.

I mean, your post just basically consists of a bunch of ad hominems and you didn't really go into depth and be specific of exactly why you think he doesn't do anything that can upset his audience and perhaps bring up a few examples? I think your post came off as a bit of an emotional outburst, not very nuanced.

Molyneux annoyed incredible amounts of people and still does when he went from a libertarian viewpoint to nationalist viewpoint, his views are actually beginning to line up with more Red Ice which is pretty damn amazing and triggering for the entire left. Heartening. He's not breaking out the JQ like Red Ice, but their big big non subtle hints every so often that he agrees with those ideas. In a time of crisis.

I know some will say "He's riding the fad money brigade, the fucking jew cut of him", but I'm not one of those people who goes "a person should always think what he thinks, now and forever more", that's utter bollix for thinking and striving men and women, I mean that's why most of us made it to this forum and decided to stay.

I'll probably change again on some things, in a year or two and I hope, I'd be worried if I didn't.

I get all those points. I really do. So do many others. Been going round in circles with them for a while now. I don't know or care if he is a jew. I never brought that in to my argument.

I donated to him. I won't again. I don't trust him. I feel as if I have seen
through him. I might be wrong. It's only the internet.

He's opened my eyes up to a lot of things, and for that I have given him thanks, money and exposure. But I'm an apostate. I changed my mind over some stuff he chose to keep quiet about, and what I mark as moral cowardice because I know he knew about it.

But it's deeper than that. I see narcissism in him. And I don't like it so I changed my mind.

Burn me at the stake.

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