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Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Have you seen my posts? This is not an issue of red pill or blue pill.

Some girls are simply not accessible by cold approach. The girls you fuck quickly via daytime cold approach, were revealed to be not so conservative after all by that very act. Nothing wrong with that, but the absolute highest of quality in personality is available by social circle. The stories you use to disprove a theory (e.g. of mine) are simply a story of the same thing. I said the most conservative girls and a degree and then some harder than conservative girls, who, if you recall, I did not say were inaccessible by day game, otherwise I wouldn't be doing it. They put a hell of a lot more roadblocks in front of me I will say that, especially by phone/text.

If you put a single "conservative" girl in front of lots of approaches from good looking guys with good game and it's just never happening, this is very different from an apparently similar "conservative" girl who is exposed to the same but succumbs to the advances of the men.

It's that whole: conservative girl from the village debate again; should we give her credit for being reserved and sweet when she has not yet been exposed to the big city and smartphones. Only when she is exposed to it consistently and remains the same, without any outside conservative influences e.g. islam checking their women, might we give her credit for this.

@Pointer, at first I thought, "why rush? This [conservative] girl is totally into me." And when she is with me, it's all clear. She has her last train home or whatever soon and has to be up early for school (doesn't drink alcohol so nothing in her system). At first I thought, she's bullshitting. But I kept getting this. So I sent her home. Then the weird text shit starts. It can vary from being barely responsive and vague to weird stuff about getting anxious because I (not arrogantly - I wish this didn't happen) make her feel things she's not supposed to feel or that she feels strongly she wants to see me again but is scared if she sees me again. I think with these girls I will try a SNL, that blew up in my face. "I knew you are a foreign player!" (If only she knew how badly I was failing she would say that.) I know it's an issue of qualification and comfort. This one conservative girl I approached in the mall dressed like a conservative chode, no blazer or anything like that, but then when I saw her on the date I obviously dressed better, and she started to have a panic attack. I felt sorry for the girl but the girls I want, seem to be scared of me. (Or just not interested usually because BF, obviously.) I had a girl say this is her first date ever, she could be lying, but weird things just didn't look like it. She was dazed and confused on the date, saying she is surprised she was there because usually she rejects every time, including guys in her SC but especially "random guys". All positive signs for hours on the date, and again the phone shit starts. My theory is that the closer to sex they get, the more their No! circuit sends them into panic, and they run. I need to talk more on dates. Usually in the US I relied on just sitting back, watching the girl talk shit about her life, and the more she talks about herself, the more she feels she knows me. I'd ask some deep questions to get some rapport and that's it. For non-Anglo white conservative girls, it's almost like they have to know you x10 because most are LTR minded. It definitely depends on country as well. I figured I should just go kamikaze on the first date with one, but even though I have much more influence over her when I'm in person, anything to do with "my place" or even "we go for a walk" ("Where?!")

I think if my non-Anglosphere white girl qualification/comfort game was better I could get them. I've no doubt that a better daygamer could get a fair % of these, but all of them? No matter how good any of us is, no one can get all. When you see a girl in front of you having a full blown panic attack in public, and hugging her just makes her worse, so you literally can't do shit (eventually I went to sit on a bench where she couldn't see me), some girls just have shit going on in their heads that only a guy in their social circle can get them. Queue the "game denialist" accusations. Whether it's due to mental problems, conservatism, laziness, strict no cold approach rules about how couples "should" meet etc., a certain % of girls will be inaccessible even to the best cold approaches. That's a dose of some other pill that guys who have already taken "the red pill" should keep in mind. It's one reason among many why the world's best in day game hit 3% conversion rates. Cold approach isn't only unnatural to men, hence our fear of approach or whatever you want to call it, it's also unnatural to women, because we were for many thousands of years living in tribes where everyone knew each other, the modern equivalent of that being social circle. The dangerous looking lone wanderer on the opposite mountain: the "sigma wolf". To get girls of any quality in daygame it definitely has to be "predatory, precise and perfected". i.e. you're essentially extracting a girl from her native tribe...

I'm looking forward to seeing what Krauser has to say.

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