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Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

As for filipino food, i've eaten street food, cheap places, food made for me by a family, places that locals eat at, and a few nice places: I dislike it all. It's just weird food. That's all there is to say. They really enjoy eating intestines, organs, penises, hearts....fucking anything.

There are very few vegetables in the food, and it basically looks like gruel. Trust me, the food sucks a nutsack.

As for fili generally: I may come back. Yes, it is a third world shithole with beautiful beaches and natural scenery. The women, though being sub par on average, love white men. Especially when you get outside of the hooker areas and girlie bars....some women are easier to screw than whores. I mean, it's pretty ridiculous. Some of the experiences I've had are crazy.

I could stay here and get my lay count up, but I don't really like the country. Even though I've had sex with 4 girls in the last two weeks (all from online dating), I want to leave soon.

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