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Late bloomer at 25 needs advice!

Late bloomer at 25 needs advice!

You seem quite hung up on being inexperienced. Here are a few thoughts:

1. My impression is that the vast majority of guys are not particularly good lays. Get a girl talking honestly about sex and the chances are that most of the men she's been with, and most of the sex she has had, has failed to live up to her fantasies. I'm sure you feel very alone with your inexperience, but the truth is most guys walking around around you who may be getting more sex are not necessarily operating at a particularly high level sexually. Most girls, and that includes the beautiful ones and the promiscuous ones, are not especially sexually satisfied. The bar has not been set very high, and you shouldn't be intimidated into abstinence.

2. A lot of girls are sexually insecure, even the ones who will take you home on the first night. A lot of girls love sex, but worry that they are not very good at it. They fail to understand that all they need to do to be good at sex is to be the most desirable object they can be. All the pornstar techniques in the world are secondary to the value her holes, the lines of her body, and her unblemished skin can give you.

3. The upshot of this is that to be a good lay all you have to do is enjoy her for the object she is. You should do this without shame, embarrassment or reservation. When you are with a girl, have her however you want to have her. Use her for all she has to offer to you, and in every way that presents itself to your mind. Really enjoy the experience of fucking her without concerning yourself whether your technique is good, or your dick is big enough, or any of the other nonsense or ego that men are consumed with. Really focus on how good her pussy feels around your cock, how good her tits feel in your hands, the smoothness of her belly, the softness of her thighs etc etc. Communicate your desire to her whilst you fuck her too, and again, there's no need to be shy. If you really love fucking her a girl will always think you're a good lay, even if your techniques have room for improvement.

4. Do not worry about cumming too quickly either. If it happens as a result of you really giving yourself over to the experience and relishing every inch of her body and just being consumed with her sexuality then I guarantee no girl is going to give you any shit for it whatsoever. Really enjoy it for what it is, don't allow psychology to detract from those moments of pure pleasure, or dull the anticipation and subsequent appreciation of her body, and you will be a memorable lay for all the right reasons.

5. In the absence of techniques of your own, a short cut to being a great lay is simply to encourage girls to play with themselves whilst you fuck them, or whilst they blow you. Give them the freedom and confidence to rub their pussies whilst you're inside one hole or another, and the girl will attribute her intense pleasure and satisfaction to you, even if she is doing a share of the work herself.

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