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The Altcoin (day) trading thread

The Altcoin (day) trading thread

Me and a couple other RVFers betting on Ethorse (HORSE) to do well.

[Image: attachment.jpg38326]   

It's essentially a betting platform on the eth blockchain, users wager on which cryptos from a given list will perform the best in a given period of time. It's all done through metamask and eth smart contracts so the actual process should be pretty smooth and secure.

I think it's a pretty good low-cap shitcoin bet:
- Raised only 4000 ETH (around $5 million), very low starting cap
- Actually working product on eth testnet, mainnet release this month
- 5% of the betting pool raised for each bet will go to token holders in ETH, rewards delivered on a quarterly basis.
- A state of the market whereby people are hyped about low-cap ICOs, given how well CRED and Bounty0x have performed recently.

Got a few dudes in on the ICO but I think it could be worth an early pickup on ED or Radar Relay.

Let's see what happens.

RVF Fearless Coindogger Crew

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