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Feminists no longer feel sex is necessary in a relationship

Feminists no longer feel sex is necessary in a relationship

This relates back to the other "Open Relationship" thread we were talking in thread-66553.html

They're all apart of the bigger picture of breaking the nuclear family.

It's an attack one monogamous relationships.

The only people usually pushing this are as stated above: Fat Ugly Feminists or mentally unstable girls.

That article is literally a look inside the brain of the female feminist hamster.

Lack of sex= "We don't need sex in a relationship"

Lack of masculine counterpart= "We don't need sex" "We're in an open relationship"

Hank you're correct in alluding to - why the fuck go through the hoops to agree with feminists in order to bang them - when in reality, they'll fuck guys who reject their views and are conservatives anyways.

The whole white knighting and being a feminist "ally" has never ever fucking worked.

Women don't like lap dogs and door mats - they want a challenge, emotion, friction, and their gina's tingled.

If a chick stops having sex with you or talks about being "poly" - E FUCKING JECT.

You lost the battle - but there's a war still raging on (and so is your boner).

What's ironic about this author - he claims that his chick was sick and banging was a chore and exhausting.

Then why is there a need for his chick to look outside their relationship for everything.

The cold fact is, she should be thanking him that he didn't just up and bail on a sick woman.

Something is awfully fish about this article and the author is broken - that's for sure.

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