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Feminists no longer feel sex is necessary in a relationship

Feminists no longer feel sex is necessary in a relationship

This is the feminist sex narrative...

- Sex isn't necessary (at least with their boyfriend)
- Open relationships are the norm (until they find a man who won't put up with that shit)
- Men should act feminine, but should understand doing so won't get them laid. It's just the "right thing to do." They should become "allies." Whatever the fuck that means.
- It's okay for women to fuck Trump supporters, as long as they feel bad about it
- Everyone should fuck transgenders, gays, people of color, and handicapped people, but it's okay for feminists to have a 6'4 cisgendered white male boyfriend. "It's different."

So basically, it's in your best interest to reject all the feminist shit, because these women are just going to fuck conservative traditional men anyway.

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