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Feminists no longer feel sex is necessary in a relationship

Feminists no longer feel sex is necessary in a relationship

Last night one of my plates stayed over. She had to leave early, and I took the day off.

"Hank, I'm leaving. Blowjob? Quick sex? Hand job?"
"Nah babe, I'm all good from last night, have a good day at work."
"Ok. Go back to sleep then."
[Editor's note: This afternoon I regretted not taking the blowjob, but it was like 6:30 in the morning, and I was in a deep sleep.]

Sex is pretty much the most important part of any relationship. If a woman is into you, she'll bend over backwards (and forwards) to make sure you're sexually satisfied at all times. It's pretty great.

However, according to my favorite ironic blog, sex is no longer a necessary component of a relationship:

[Trigger warning: this blog sucks, and the article is too long and not worth reading. It's basically about how a woman decided she didn't want to have sex with her boyfriend anymore, but still wanted to be in a "relationship." Of course, now they're in an "open relationship", which means he pays all the bills while she sucks off bartenders. Justification: feminism / liberalism.]


"It’s been a couple years now since we decided that sex wasn’t really in the cards. But we’re still together, and we’re still just as happy, if not more.

It’s not a big deal for us. But there are so many societal messages that insist that any relationship that lacks sex is broken, defective, or doomed.

This encourages people to force a sexual attraction that may not be there, engage in a physical relationship that isn’t working, or to entirely discard a relationship that may have immense value in other ways, rather than simply focusing on what works and setting aside what doesn’t."

My physical relationship with my spouse wasn’t working – my partner had become very sick over the years due to chronic illness, and sex had begun to feel like an exhausting chore that made both of us unhappy.

So basically, you have a beta roommate. Who pays all your bills. Who you don't fuck.

Oh, and of course...


For my partner and I, we decided to open up our relationship, agreeing that if the other wanted to seek out a sexual, or even romantic, relationship with someone else, they were welcome to, as long as the line of communication remained open as well.

So dude is left in a relationship with no sex while his partner is out banging other people.

This is why I need feminism.

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