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Cruise Bangs

Cruise Bangs

Think it certainly depends on the cruise you pick. I did a Carnival one in the Caribbean, was maybe 5% that were above 60, if that. There were probably 15-20 girls that I'd say were a 6+, probably 3 that were an 8-8.5 range. Having said that, if you don't like the 18-21 age range you can basically cull those numbers to 3 or 4 girls total, that's going to be the pick of the litter and the best target range on a cruise generally and they'll likely be there with parents so work that into the game challenges.

Agree entirely with the OP on sneaking alcohol on. I'd also add that getting the drinks package is worth it if you're even a moderate drinker. 3 or so drinks a day was the breakeven point when I did it.

OP didn't mention the day game element really at all but I found this to be a very strong part of it. Find a few girls on the first day/night that is generally an open sea day that you like and work out a way to get them on a day date on the first stop. Assuming you're doing a tropical place then beaches are very strong, a few cocktails and a great day on a beach is a pretty good date and will have you in prime position when you get back to the boat. Be careful of the fatigue though, the meals will be heavy and if you go too hard during the day with the girl you make the flaking odds much higher, can be worth avoiding the dinner and trying for a bang back at the room at this time even, there will be other food options you can go to grab a bite.

Overall I'd say that cruises are a low return investment. If there are no quality girls, you're stuck. Even if there are the supply will be low and the competition will be solid, the cruise I was on had a good 4 male groups for each female group and the families are just as likely to produce male competition as female targets. Basically a cruise is largely a lucky dip in a strong environment but just going to a resort town can give you pretty much all the benefits and greatly improves the talent pool.

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