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Late bloomer at 25 needs advice!

Late bloomer at 25 needs advice!

I feel your struggle cause I started from a bad position as well.
Like you, I had depression in my teens and when others started to date and going parties and stuff, I was at home playing video games.

You are already going to the GYM which is a very good task to do against depression and overall for your happines.

What I would suggest is to find a nice cute girl for an LTR.
Banging hoes from Tinder isn't that much fun if you start out.

I also had self-esteem issues about "not experience" enough and honestly, it didn't really matter. If you bang a girl from Tinder, she will have a lot of dicks before you and will maybe "feel" that you are a bit inexperienced but sex isn't rocket science. You can practice Sex again with a girl in a relationship.

I would suggest finding a girl with none or just a few sexual experiences (church girls, traditional girls) and you can straightforward tell your story. Nothing to be ashamed. With girls that had experiences, I would just tell them (if they ask) you had just a few experiences with women and couldn't get in a relationship cause "not the right women came to my life" blah blah.

And pls do not approach in your GYM. If the girl comes straight to you and talks with you, go for it but I feel your GYM is a place you really like and why fuck this up just for a woman? Plenty of girls outside.

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